Bu-Waa from Madina Village School, the Madina Health Center, and The Village!

Plainfield UMC has supported a Sierra Leone, West Africa school since 2012. We proudly announce that the fifth group of Class 6 students (equivalent to fifth grade in the US) will graduate this year. At the end of the school year, students take the National Exam to determine their eligibility to continue their education. All students except one have passed the exam, meaning over 180 students have completed their education. Our school has grown substantially, with two preschools and a Junior Secondary School for Class 7. Currently, we have 480 students, and our education system is life-changing, especially for girls, who traditionally have yet to be prioritized for education in this region. We provide a warm meal at lunchtime for every child.

Besides the school, the Medical Center is busy seeing patients, with as many as 25-30 patients daily. The main building is ready but must still be equipped to perform surgeries. Though the Medical Center cannot perform surgeries currently, it treats many people with chronic ailments. The first baby was delivered at the Medical Center on April 24th, 2024!

The school initiated a bed/net program against malaria four years ago. We are proud to share that no child has died from malaria in the last two years, including any family with babies or children younger than school age!

If you wish to donate to Madina Village School or Madina Medical Center, please mention it on the memo line of your donation. We express our gratitude and say “Bee-Say” from Madina Village!

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